home slide 3 home slide 32019-09-242019-09-24https://lvwf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/LVWA_Logo_Web_v2-1.pngLivermore Valley Wine Foundationhttps://lvwf.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/LVWA_Logo_Web_v2-1.png200px200pxRecent Posts29th Annual Livermore Valley Wine Auction Raises over $381,000 for Local Children’s Non-Profits28th Annual Livermore Valley Wine Auction Raises $460,000 for Local Children’s Non-ProfitsLIVERMORE VALLEY WINEGROWERS FOUNDATION PRESENTS $195,575 TO LOCAL CHARITIES27th Annual Livermore Valley Wine Auction Raises $275,000 with Successful and Festive Afternoon Garden Party